Storks, Life, and The Wheel on the School: Wonder and Community in Ageless Children’s LiteratureWhen you do not wonder, no one is important except yourself. But when you do wonder, the whole universe is important. You begin to notice...
The Natural, Suffering, and Perfected Child: Ageless Children’s Literature and HeidiLiterature is read and loved because it has that beautiful way of shining light on the mysterious ways of our being. It helps us to...
In Which I Discover My Advent Journey is Much Enhanced by the Company of a Bear of Very Little BrainIf I want to become childlike this Advent, I think there is no better way than to spend time with someone who is already childlike. There...
The True Fairy Tale of a Real Spider--Ageless Children's Literature and Everyday EnchantmentWe who read Ageless Children’s Literature seldom see a spider without thinking of the dark gang of arachnids from Mirkwood or the gentle,...
Creating out of Something: Anthropomorphism in Art and WritingI was with him forming all things: and was delighted every day, playing before him at all times; Playing in the world: and my delights...
Blooming Where you are Planted; Ageless Children's Literature and the Six O'Clock SaintsJoan Windham’s Six O’Clock Saints series is witty, pithy and droll. In three volumes she lightly recounts the lives of several saints in...